Thursday, August 28, 2008

Are you a threat?

I'm in Jakarta now on mission trip. The Spirit impressed me with a question last night while I was still in Singapore eating supper with one of my cell members.

Are you a threat to the kingdom of darkness?

Somehow the question stuck with me and I've been thinking about it the whole day; even on the flight here.

Does the kingdom of darkness tremble when you speak? Do your words cause demons to flee? Is your ministry and your service in the church raising fear among Satan's generals?

As I'm starting to go on more mission trips, I begin to think - Are my trips causing harm to the kingdom of darkness?

After graduating from Bible school just last week, I'm going through a period of prayer and re-organising my life and ministry; to re-strategize and cause havoc in the spiritual realms. :)

I really pray that what we do in our ministry is not in vain.

So once again I ask - Are you a threat?