Thursday, June 12, 2008

Is it really just the Chinese culture?

I just finished a major project at work.

Honestly, I think I did a good job - not a perfect job, not the best that can be, but still a pretty good job.

But I'm not happy.

Maybe it's just me, maybe I expect too much, but instead of getting a pat on my back, it was announced in front of everyone that "we have not done a good job, there are many areas that we could have improved, please forgive us for any shortcomings."

After the project, everyone was tired - I got back to office the past few days, all pple wanted were to close accounts, "find out which areas can be improved" .... Did I really do so terribly?

There was a lot of stress before the project - my colleagues did cover up my shortcomings; there was a lot of stress during the project - I felt my colleagues & superiors were not there when I needed them during the project; the stress is over after the project - I'm human, I need a pat, just a gentle pat. Instead of a pat, I'm all alone, like a pet abandoned after the circus show is over ...

But no ... I did everything wrong - I did the wrong things, said the wrong things, controlled my emotions wrong, drove the wrong way .. every thing's wrong - but hey, THAT'S NOT TRUE!

Is my attitude wrong? I am but human ...

Maybe at the end of the day, all I need is God to say "Well done." Is this what it means to pursue the recognition of God & not of man? I've been trying to have the right attitude and motives all this time - have I got it all wrong??

I know He wants me to go further .. to do something greater for Him - but is this the avenue? I'll ask Him.

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