Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Evan Almighty

Watched Evan Almighty today ... Wow!! Even though it's supposed to be a comedy - and IT IS HILARIOUS - I got quite a lot out of the movie. Some of it even has to do with being a History Maker as I've mentioned in my earlier posts ...

Here's what I got - I'm trying to remember the lines ...

1. "How do you change the world?" "By doing Actions of Random Kindness. You change the world one act at a time"

2. "When someone prays for patience, does God give her patience or opportunities to be patient? .... When someone prays for a closer knit family, ....... , God gives her a chance to be closer to her family"

Those were "quotes" I tried to remember off the movie ... There're also other stuff I thought were pretty true about God in the movie ..

~Alot of times, God gives us a task or job to do and even though sometimes we resist it at first, God will chase us - He will not give up on us the first time. Yes it's true God will not force us, but He will not give up on us.

~When we ask for stuff, God sometimes will not give it to us outright. Instead, He will use lessons and give us opportunities to exercise our character and let us get more than what we ask for in the process.

~When God gives us a task, there'll be times when it seems no one else believes in what we're doing, but when we're sure God's asking us to do it, we gotta put our faith in Him and do it. God will in His own way turn the hearts of the people around us and give us the support we need.

~There's also a part in the movie when "God" said "I do it cos I love you" .... and then some terrible things happened to Evan and he said, "could you love me less?"
That was so real! I mean I've had people tell me and sometimes I feel it myself - when things go wrong or when the world seems to be against us and we know that God is actually teaching us and letting us grow in that process and He's allowing stuff to happen cos He loves us ... but sometimes we can't see His plan and we just wished all those things didn't happen. We forget that God will only let us go through things we can bear and He's pushing us to our limit so that we can stretch.

~Sometimes God will only show us results at the VERY END. We have to be firm in our faith and never give up. Even though the world will taunt us and tell us what we're doing is stupid and people dun understand, even our closest friends - we must know that God will never fail us.

~God works in ways we cannot understand. Like in this instance, even though God has promised HE will never send rain and flood to destroy the world, but still asked Evan to build the Ark. He was seeing a scenario that people would not imagine - even the people responsible for it didn't know it could happen. So we must do stuff God asks us to do even though we think God already promised something like that will never happen again.

That should be it for now - dun have any notes or anything, just writing off the top of my head. So I'll add more when I think of them .. :)
For those who don't know what I'm writing about, go watch the movie!!

Wow, I never thought I'd have so many things to write about a movie ... I guess I learnt that from my mentor (Yong Howe) who always applies life principles from movies. :)

It's like literature class ...

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