Thursday, August 16, 2007

Conquering Reality

Met up with an advisor and potential investor in my company and suddenly the reality of everything set in.
Besides the assurance from God that this ministry will prosper and grow, there are so many details to look into, so many MORE things to prepare.
There's also the whole issue about money and projection and how to keep the company moving forward in the long run.
I don't know why, but it seems like I'm always anxious about whether this is the route I'm supposed to take - like I mentioned in the first post, I'm gonna go ahead in faith, and God will smoothen everything out. :)

The advisor I met yesterday put everything into perspective - God is the boss of this company and I'm just a manager of His resources. So it's not up to me what happens as long as God is pleased. He also reminded me of Philippians 4:6, :Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
So I'm not supposed to be anxious, but to give thanks! :)

It seemed pretty weird towards the end of yesterday's meeting cause I was supposed to pitch my proposal to him, but he was so convinced of the idea that eventually he was encouraging me and giving me strategies for my company. HAHAHA .. :)

I really thank God for potential investors like that. :)

People have been asking me what this company will be all about. Well, do keep praying for me and once I put all the final details together, I'll reveal it to everyone. :)

Serving the God of my youth,
Jeremy Ng

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