Thursday, August 16, 2007

Weird? Different.

I feel weird. Sometimes I feel like an alien. I feel different from the people around me.

I was just talking with my brother the other night and we realised that since young, we never did the things our friends did - we never played the normal computer games, in fact, our first computer was an Apple; yes, a MAC! :) In the 1990s playing games on a Mac was virtually never heard of! :)

Instead of vacationing in cities and shopping, our parents brought us to villages in Malaysia to do mission work, brought us adventure travelling around the world, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Canada ... Snowboarding, Whaling, Helicopter Stunt rides, Parachuting, Mountaineering, Jungle trekking - all these before I was even 18!! It's not so much about the amount we traveled or the places we went, but HOW we traveled that really impacted me and changed my life.

Even now when I travel with other people, I can never get used to the more conservative "by the book, always know where I am" concept of travel. I'm always longing to find that adventure in every trip

Now when we're older, both of us wanna start our own companies and our own ministries. In fact, I realised most of my friends are already working and getting very stable incomes, with great futures ahead. :) And here I am, never ever had a fixed monthly income job and now I wanna start a new company.

Sometimes I really feel like an alien - not many people understand the passion behind starting a company and a ministry from scratch, to live with "unstable income," to live with so many uncertainties. Well, my certainty is in the Lord! :)

Not even the big things all the time, even the things my friends like to do - watch soccer, play video games .. I don't know why, I'm just not wired that way.

I do feel weird, not only sometimes, all the time. I thank God he has made me this way, but I still continue to wonder WHY He made me this way. Although I do feel special and unique sometimes, other times, it really is difficult to think and behave different from the people around. But of course, my assurance is that the Lord has a destiny planned just for me.

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