Thursday, June 28, 2007

I'm self-employed!!

Well, I've been down with a terrible flu the last couple of days - whole body aching, waking up with GREEN stuff coming out my nose etc.

Going through all that, I had to force myself to plan my teaching, plan the ministry, go and teach etc.

All of a sudden, I realised THIS IS WHAT IT"S LIKE TO BE SELF-EMPLOYED!!

When I was working for a company or an organisation, anytime I was sick, I could just get an MC. Now, the "company" I'm working for is my own, and whether I'm sick or not, I still have to carry on .

Wow!! It's scary! I realise that from now, it's no longer fixed income whether I work or not, no more medical benefits, no more annual leave .... HAHA

So this is what being self-employed means!!

One thing I know though - I'm gonna be honest with my taxes and God will bless .. HAHA .. :)

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