Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Wait on the Promises of God

This week has been tough. Really tough. Been spending lots of time in prayer and planning for the Creative Arts Ministry in my church and seeking direction for what to do in my future.

In everything I do, I believe it's 100% God AND 100% man .. we gotta put in our full effort so that God can release our full potential. Never could understand how some people can just sit around and pray while not doing 100% of what they can for God to use their effort.

I've recently been involved in a few discussions and conversations and I realized a common thread - people tend to look forward more to the rest than the work. :) To these people, the work; whether it is a job, ministry or social event, is more of a chore than a joy.
These people will do the job out of responsibility, but not enjoy the completeness of joy and satisfaction it brings because they are looking not for the completion of the work but the rest after the work. :)

One thing I got from Ps Kong Hee during Emerge 2007 is this - Successful people work 16 hours a day!

I'm not saying we should all go out a work 16 hours today, but think about it, if we maximise the 4, 6 or 8 hours of work we have today, God will increase our capacities in our jobs, our ministries and our social life so that we will NEED to work 16 hours a day gradually. If you think about it, if you NEED to work 16 hours a day, it just means you've got great responsibilities at work, you've got a big and growing ministry and you've got lots of friends. :)

So why is this entry called "Waiting on the Promises of God?"

In the athletic world, the word REST does not mean staying at home and not doing anything. It MIGHT mean that, but more often than not, when athletes say rest, they mean an active rest. Probably running half the distance they normally do or training at a lower intensity. Why do they do that? Cos if they completely stop training for just 3 days, their capacity will drop. :)

In the same way as Christians, when we WAIT on the promises of God, we don't just sit there and wait, mumbling prayers to God. We have to fulfill our responsibilities in EXPECTANCY of God's promises to be fulfilled. We have to prepare the platform to be ready when His promises are fulfilled and not be caught surprised and unprepared when the big gift arrives.

Anyway, I just wanna share that this has been a period of waiting in my life, but at the same time capturing God's promises and making sure I fulfill my potential in His promises. :)

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